Python Code to Upload Into Google Datastorage

Seth Michael Larson

Python Information Streaming to Google Deject Storage with Resumable Uploads

A few days ago I spent a large clamper of my afternoon working on implementing memory-efficient data streaming to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) from a Python runtime.

There were several roadblocks along the fashion and I'd like to create the documentation that I wish I could observe while working on the effect.

This article uses Python three.6.4 but tin be adapted for other Python versions.

GCS support in google-cloud Module

The google-deject parcel is a giant collection of modules that can be used to interface with all of the Google Cloud Platform services so information technology'southward a dandy place to start.

python -m pip install -U google-cloud

Inside the google-cloud package is a module called which deals with all things GCS.

I downloaded and setup my GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS locally and opened up a Python console to test out some of the functionality. I was able to quickly connect to GCS, create a Bucket, create a Blob, and upload binary data to the Blob.

                          from              google.deject              import              storage              customer              =              storage              .              Client              ()              bucket              =              customer              .              create_bucket              (              'test-bucket'              )              blob              =              client              .              blob              (              'exam-blob'              )              blob              .              upload_from_string              (              data              =              b              'ten'              *              1024              ,              content_type              =              'application/octet-stream'              ,              customer              =              client              )                      

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One thing I immediately noticed was that for edifice Armonaut my utilise-case would be progressively streaming output to GCS without saving the output to the file-arrangement of the compute example. There had to be a way to stream data rather than upload it all in one go.

Resumable Uploads to the Rescue!

The initial inquiry I did uncovered Resumable Uploads as an option for Google Cloud Storage. From their description it says that they have the following utilize-cases:

  • Yous are uploading a large file.
  • The chances of network failure are high.
  • Y'all don't know the size of the file when the upload starts.

Reasons #1 and #3 both applied to my use-case so I started investigating further.

I searched the google-cloud documentation for a mention of resumable uploads which yielded the Blob.create_resumable_upload_session() method. This method starts a Resumable Upload and returns a URL.

Resumable Media Package

The ready of interactions that must occur for a Resumable Upload to complete successfully were quite complex and I suspected there was already a package that handles this substitution. I establish the google-resumable-media package with a bit of Googling. ;-)

python -m pip install -U google-resumable-media

The central office of this package I was interested in is the google.resumable_media.requests.ResumableUpload class which takes an authorized ship then allows you to upload data in chunks and recover when errors are detected.

So far this was the code I was working with:

                          import              io              from              google.auth.send.requests              import              AuthorizedSession              from                  import              storage              from              google.resumable_media.requests              import              ResumableUpload              chunk_size              =              256              *              1024              # Minimum chunk-size supported by GCS                            stream              =              io              .              BytesIO              (              b              'x'              *              (              1024              *              1024              ))              # False data stream                            customer              =              storage              .              Client              ()              bucket              =              client              .              bucket              (              'test-bucket'              )              blob              =              client              .              blob              (              'examination-hulk'              )              # Create a Resumable Upload                            url              =              blob              .              create_resumable_upload_session              (              content_type              =              'awarding/octet-stream'              ,              client              =              customer              )              # Pass the URL off to the ResumableUpload object                            upload              =              ResumableUpload              (              upload_url              =              url              ,              chunk_size              =              chunk_size              )              transport              =              AuthorizedSession              (              credentials              =              client              .              _credentials              )              # Offset using the Resumable Upload                            upload              .              initiate              (              ship              =              transport              ,              content_type              =              'application/octet-stream'              ,              stream              =              stream              ,              metadata              =              {              'proper name'              :              blob              .              name              }              )                      

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Trouble was I was getting an fault on upload.initiate(). It was complaining that in that location was no Location header on the response. I investigated this issue and found that create_resumable_upload_session() was doing the work of upload.initiate()! I removed that step and instead used the API endpoint provided in the Resumable Upload documentation.

                          # Create a Resumable Upload                            url              =              (              f              'https://world wide'              f              '              {              bucket              .              proper noun              }              /o?uploadType=resumable'              )              upload              =              ResumableUpload              (              upload_url              =              url              ,              chunk_size              =              chunk_size              )              transport              =              AuthorizedSession              (              credentials              =              client              .              _credentials              )              # Start using the Resumable Upload                            upload              .              initiate              (              transport              =              send              ,              content_type              =              'application/octet-stream'              ,              stream              =              stream              ,              metadata              =              {              'name'              :              blob              .              name              }              )                      

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This snippet worked to start a Resumable Upload! Now to stream the information.

Streaming Data and stream_last=False

The ResumableUpload object has a method called transmit_next_chunk which tells the upload that the adjacent clamper may be uploaded. While reading the documentation almost this method I found stream_final which was a parameter of the ResumableUpload.initiate method.

I establish that if stream_final is set to Faux so the ResumableUpload will detect the "terminate" of the stream when a chunk is transmitted that is less than the chunk_size parameter set in its constructor. This meant that to stream an unknown amount of data that each chunk would accept to be >256KiB and would have to buffer output until that size was reached to be trasmitted.

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Putting it All Together

After getting a unproblematic example working I created a class that handles a unmarried stream of unknown length data being uploaded to a blob progressively and recovers from network errors if detected.

To accomplish this I implemented an object that both buffered data and had a file-like interface in order for it to be used by ResumableUpload equally a stream and be passed into other functions that require file-like objects for writing data.

Here is my final implementation:

                          from              google.auth.send.requests              import              AuthorizedSession              from              google.resumable_media              import              requests              ,              common              from                  import              storage              course              GCSObjectStreamUpload              (              object              ):              def              __init__              (              self              ,              client              :              storage              .              Customer              ,              bucket_name              :              str              ,              blob_name              :              str              ,              chunk_size              :              int              =              256              *              1024              ):              self              .              _client              =              client              self              .              _bucket              =              self              .              _client              .              saucepan              (              bucket_name              )              self              .              _blob              =              self              .              _bucket              .              hulk              (              blob_name              )              cocky              .              _buffer              =              b              ''              self              .              _buffer_size              =              0              self              .              _chunk_size              =              chunk_size              cocky              .              _read              =              0              self              .              _transport              =              AuthorizedSession              (              credentials              =              self              .              _client              .              _credentials              )              self              .              _request              =              None              # type: requests.ResumableUpload                            def              __enter__              (              cocky              ):              self              .              first              ()              return              cocky              def              __exit__              (              cocky              ,              exc_type              ,              *              _              ):              if              exc_type              is              None              :              self              .              end              ()              def              start              (              self              ):              url              =              (              f              'https://world wide'              f              '              {              self              .              _bucket              .              proper noun              }              /o?uploadType=resumable'              )              self              .              _request              =              requests              .              ResumableUpload              (              upload_url              =              url              ,              chunk_size              =              cocky              .              _chunk_size              )              self              .              _request              .              initiate              (              transport              =              self              .              _transport              ,              content_type              =              'application/octet-stream'              ,              stream              =              self              ,              stream_final              =              Simulated              ,              metadata              =              {              'name'              :              self              .              _blob              .              proper noun              },              )              def              stop              (              self              ):              cocky              .              _request              .              transmit_next_chunk              (              cocky              .              _transport              )              def              write              (              cocky              ,              data              :              bytes              )              ->              int              :              data_len              =              len              (              data              )              self              .              _buffer_size              +=              data_len              self              .              _buffer              +=              data              del              data              while              self              .              _buffer_size              >=              self              .              _chunk_size              :              try              :              cocky              .              _request              .              transmit_next_chunk              (              self              .              _transport              )              except              common              .              InvalidResponse              :              cocky              .              _request              .              recover              (              cocky              .              _transport              )              return              data_len              def              read              (              self              ,              chunk_size              :              int              )              ->              bytes              :              # I'one thousand non good with efficient no-copy buffering then if this is                            # wrong or there'due south a better manner to exercise this let me know! :-)                            to_read              =              min              (              chunk_size              ,              self              .              _buffer_size              )              memview              =              memoryview              (              self              .              _buffer              )              self              .              _buffer              =              memview              [              to_read              :].              tobytes              ()              self              .              _read              +=              to_read              self              .              _buffer_size              -=              to_read              render              memview              [:              to_read              ].              tobytes              ()              def              tell              (              self              )              ->              int              :              return              self              .              _read                      

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The class tin exist used like so:

                          client              =              storage              .              Client              ()              with              GCSObjectStreamUpload              (              client              =              customer              ,              bucket              =              'exam-bucket'              ,              hulk              =              'test-blob'              )              as              due south              :              for              _              in              range              (              1024              ):              due south              .              write              (              b              'x'              *              1024              )                      

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Thanks for reading!


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